The Blessing Fund (Ukraine)

Did you know that God loves refugees?  The Bible demonstrates this again and again.  The life stories of Moses, Mary and Joseph and Jesus include their experiences as refugees.

  • What is The Blessing Fund (Ukraine)?

  • A tangible expression of Jesus Christ’s love for those uprooted and dispossessed by the war in Ukraine. As of July 1, 2022, at least 5 million Ukrainians have fled to neighboring countries in Europe, with another 7 million internally displaced in their own country.

  • Why was The Blessing Fund (Ukraine) established??

  • On Feb 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, an act of war which sparked the largest refugee crisis in Europe since World War II

  • What has the response been?

  • European countries have welcomed refugees across the continent, often providing government aid such as housing, but the needs are overwhelming. Many refugees struggle to start over in a new country, while those internally displaced in Ukraine need food, shelter and medical care.

  • In what ways does The Blessing Fund help people in need?

  • As of July 2022, the fund has been used to:

    • Provide significant funding for two truckloads of medical and food aid sent directly to Ukrainian Baptist Churches from the Estonian Baptist Union.

    • Provide food assistance, clothing and shoes to refugees arriving in Estonia

    • Provide housing assistance such as initial rent money to refugees resettling in Prague, Czech Republic

    • Provide appliances and space heaters for refugees in Estonia

    • Assist refugees in Estonia who are starting businesses, earning income, and landing on their feet.

  • Who receives aid?

  • Aid recipients are identified by Christian leaders in the communities where Ukrainians are getting settled. Alongside missionaries (“Alongsiders) such as Matt and Lea Edminster in Estonia and Andrew Funka in the Czech Republic have been pro-active in this process, along with ministry partners such as the Estonian Baptist Union.

  • What is the result? The love of God is tangibly expressed as internally displaced people in Ukraine receive aid and comfort. Ukrainians who have fled to other parts of Europe receive assistance as they resettle and start over in a new culture. Relationships are built and the gospel is shared over coffee, meals, work and Bible study.

  • How can I give?

  • Checks made to Alongside Ministries International and designated for “The Blessing Fund” may be mailed to Alongside Ministries International, PO Box 610, Langley, WA, 98260. Credit and Debit card giving is available online at Choose “The Blessing Fund (Ukraine) from the drop down menu.

  • Where may I ask questions?

  • Email:

  • Telephone: (360) 331-70477 to reach the Alongside Ministries International office

Posts on this page will keep you informed about projects supported by the Blessing Fund. Follow quick updates related to the fund on our social media feeds using the hashtag #AMIBlessing.

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Matt Edminster