Nearly forty years ago Bishop Newbiggin’s now classic book called attention to the greatest missiological challenge of our time. For about forty years Alongside Ministries International has engaged this challenge, believing the Holy Spirit has led us to adopt a particular approach, described in our Articles of Incorporation as these purposes:
To develop leaders for the renewal of the Church in Europe, including the United Kingdom, and North America.
To build partnerships with Christian leaders, affiliated churches, and other Christian organizations that support renewing the Church and advancing the Gospel.
To recruit, train, send, receive and support Christian men and women who, responding to God’s call in their lives, commit themselves to work alongside Christians in different countries as partners in ministry.
To develop programs that enhance pastoral care, spiritual vitality, and effectiveness of missionaries, pastors and church leaders.
To bear witness to the Gospel as a public advocate on issues of importance to the Christian faith, the Church, and the cause of Christian mission in the world.
We invite you to pray with us, learn with us, and join with us in seeking the furtherance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the furtherance of God’s kingdom across Europe, the United Kingdom and North America.