"We are looking for a new breed of missionaries (short or long term) who have a passion for service alongside indigenous leaders, shared life as a ministry model, deep cultural immersion as a lifestyle, and a willingness to serve in the hinterlands between Old and New.”  

-Matt Edminster, serving in Rapla, Estonia



Current Short-term Opportunities


Estonia Summer Internship - Bringing the Gospel to Rural Areas (2 to 8 weeks)

Are you ready to explore a summer of purpose, challenge, and growth? Our Rural Re-evangelization Internship offers young adults a unique chance to be part of a cross-cultural, mentored ministry experience in Estonia—a country where less than 5% identify as Christians. You’ll join local Estonian partners in rural communities, where faith is scarce but hearts are open. Through hands-on ministry, language learning, and community development, you’ll deepen your faith and build practical skills for impactful service, all while engaging in meaningful, immersive experiences that reflect the Gospel's power. Join us for a summer that will shape your future! Interested in learning more? Send us an email at recruiting@alongside.org


Summer Youth Ministry Internship - Albania (2 to 8 Weeks)

An opportunity for a student or college-aged young adult with a demonstrated faith in Jesus Christ and a love for youth ministry who desires to understand and explore a call to ministry in a cross-cultural setting. This opportunity involves joining the ministry team of an Albanian church, staying with a host (Albanian) family, and carrying out a ministry assignment tailored to his/her specific gifts and calling. This intern will be mentored and nurtured by the local leadership, including Albanian believers. Must raise financial support. Interested in learning more? Send us an email at recruiting@alongside.org


Longer-term Opportunities in France

Parish Assistant, Nantes, France (2 years)

Parish assistant in the French United Protestant church in Nantes.

 A historic, diverse and growing church in the center of Nantes, the sixth largest city in France, seeks a dynamic servant leader to develop ministry among youth and young adults.   Skills in leading worship and/or IT helpful. French language learning and study available along with mentoring and cultural learning. Must raise support.

Interested in learning more? Send us an email at recruiting@alongside.org

L’Escale, Paris, France: Hospitality-based evangelism and university student ministry

L’Escale is looking for a missionary volunteer with the heart of an evangelist to serve alongside teams working in Paris and Rennes and possibly elsewhere.

The missionary volunteer will be ready to:

  • Share the Good News of Jesus Christ with people who visit the Escale

  • work with a team and build relationships with new visitors and outside contacts

  • apply the principles and methods which have already proven their value in the experience of the Escale:

    • Prayer

    • Active listening

    • Sharing of Scripture

We ask for a minimum commitment of three years including the equivalent of one year of language study. The volunteer/missionary will work closely with the Escale Project Director and under the authority of Christian Tanon (President and Founder). A related mission opportunity may be added to this: leading a group of English-speaking students in partnership with the GBU (InterVarsity Fellowship) meeting at either Escale 1 or Escale 2, in Paris. Some fluency in French is required. Interested in learning more? Send us an email at recruiting@alongside.org

L’Escale, France: Director Position

L’Escale is also looking for a Director for the Escale network (l’Escale exists in several locations). He/she will replace the current director and founder of l’Escale who is retiring. This position is open to people of mature faith who have demonstrated ministry leadership experience. The new director will be responsible for leading and recruiting volunteers, building relationships with partner churches (mainly Protestant but also Catholic) and maintaining the vision. The current director, Christian Tanon, will remain in place for an initial transition period, long enough to train the incoming person. A working knowledge of French is necessary and further language training can be made available. Interested in learning more? Send us an email at recruiting@alongside.org


Longer-term Opportunity in Scotland

Opportunity for a Pastor-Teacher to do the work of an Evangelist and lead a fledgling community of faith - Aberdeen, Scotland

The Rev Ian Aitken, Pastor and church-planter with the Church of Scotland is looking for a pastor-teacher to do the work of an evangelist and lead a fledgling community of young believers in Aberdeen, Scotland.

They will work in three primary areas:

 - as pastor-teacher:

  • Leading worship for new believers and a previously unchurched congregation.

  • Build supportive relationships with all newcomers and families

  • Provide ways for children and adults to grow in faith in Jesus as Lord.

- as an evangelist

  • Work alongside the current minister in the local school and community

  • share the gospel in word and deed with the people of the neighbourhood.

  • help the emerging congregation to think and act in a way that proclaims the gospel and extends the Kingdom of God.

- as a leader

  • To work with and develop the current team serving the Family Church  

  • To help each one involved in the Family Church to use their gifts

  • To see the emerging Family Church flourish and become a fully-fledged church in its worship, community and outreach.

Interested in learning more? Send us an email at recruiting@alongside.org


Most Alongsiders begin their work with a two-year period of serving in Europe, a big part of which is spent learning the local language. This approach focuses on entering another culture to serve and learn with humility, rather than plunging into action. In other words, serving first as a learner rather than an expert. We emphasize language studies, which earns respect from those with whom we serve and opens door to new relationships and further ministry. Jesus himself said “I am among you as one who serves” (Luke 22:27).

We welcome direct inquires and would love to here from you!  Please leave us a Voicemail at 360-331-7047 or send an email to recruiting@alongside.org